Home Operator: Kenneth "Skip" Hennessey
3661 W. 130th Street
Cleveland, OH 44111
Email: skip3480@aol.com
Phone: (440) 221-6973
View WebsiteCooley Lighthouse I is located in the historic west park area of Cleveland, OH. There are two parks within one mile of the facility that are maintained by the city of Cleveland. These parks offer outdoor/indoor swimming and free concerts in the summer. Halloren Ice Skating Rink is free in the winter months. Many shops and historic restaurants are in walking distance of the facility that offer great food at reasonable prices. Two of the most popular are Cafe Roma (Italian) and Der Baurmeisrer (german). The staff are all trained in first aid/CPR and receive 6 hours of continuing education in dealing with mental health patients. We do quarterly outings for the residents at no charge. Last year we did an Indians game, toured Ohio City, and had a Christmas dinner at Golden Corral. All meals are homemade with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit form the historic Westside Market. There is a brand new Salvation Army Facility at W. 126th which transports seniors daily form the facility to day programs and hot lunch at the center.